Richard Kraemer is president of the US-Europe Alliance and formerly a senior program officer for Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey at the National Endowment for Democracy. Richard previously oversaw projects at the Center for International Private Enterprise and earlier, taught and researched at the Jagellonian University in Poland. Richard is an affiliated expert of the Public International Law and Policy Group, having advised the governments of Georgia and Montenegro. He and his works have appeared in numerous international and U.S. media. Richard is a member of the New York State Bar Association and professionally proficient in Dari, Farsi, and Polish.

Bachelor of Arts, College of William and Mary 
Juris Doctor, American University

Regions of expertise 
Western Balkans, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran

Issues of expertise
Russia foreign intervention, security, energy, democracy 

Contact Information

Please contact MEI’s media relations manager, Rachel Dooley, at or 202-785-1141 ext. 241 for assistance contacting this expert.

Twitter Handle: @RichardKraemer7

